What are Fordyce Spots and How to Treat

What are Fordyce Spots and How to Treat

What are Fordyce Spots and How to Treat

Fordyce Spots: What is the best treatment for this stigma that impacts your self-
esteem so much?

By Dra. Luciana Villas Bôas, Dermatologist.

In the daily routine of the office, I see many men, and also some women, who suffer from the presence of whitish-yellow bumps in the lip region or in the genital area.

It is common for patients to decide to come to my clinic many months after the first lesions have appeared.

This way, they spend months consumed by the stigma of these bumps, which interfere in their interpersonal relationships and self-esteem, until they decide to seek help.


See what my conduct is like here

  1. The high incidence of these patients led me to develop a treatment technique performed in the office itself that has demonstrated a 70% higher efficacy compared to other treatments.
  2. Based on the observation of such positive results of my patients’ clinical, I developed a Technique of Microsurgery for Fordyce Spots or Granules which is a very effective procedure to extract the lesions.

Microcirurgia para Grânulos de Fordyce

I am finishing  a scientific study that will be released by the end of 2021. I’ll publish it here too.

On average, my Microsurgery treatment requires three sessions. But there are many cases that one session is enough. Complete healing – so that the lip is completely granule-free and ready for kissing – takes 18 days at most.

As this problem is more common in men, who tend to ignore it, professionals who are dedicated to studying and offering an effective dermatological treatment for Fordyce Spots are rare.

I try to practice inclusive dermatology, with a good use of technology and scientific studies, for the well-being of all, without distinction.

But, after all, Fordyce Spots is a serious disease?

No, they’re not. These are benign, non-contagious lesions that affect more men than women. They are not contagious and have no direct relationship with any type of disease.

Fordyce Spots are sebaceous glands increased in size and can be seen with the naked eye, when they should only be seen microscopically.

Fordyce Spots usually develop as isolated or scattered bumps, but sometimes they group together, forming slightly larger balls.

Although they resemble a sexually transmitted disease, such as genital warts, Fordyce Spots are simply a sebaceous prominence.

It is good to remember that you should not pick or squeeze Fordyce Spots. This will not make them disappear, and it can cause the development of infections.

So, why is it important to offer an effective treatment for fordyce granules?

The impact on self-esteem is a basic health problem. Our first concern is to tranquilize the patient, with the diagnosis of a benign and completely treatable inflammatory lesion.

Most patients come to the clinic with many doubts: they think it may be a persistent herpes or another type of Sexually Transmitted Disease. Neither of the them have any relation to Fordyce Granules, which is unrelated to any type of disease, fungus, bacteria and is not transmissible either.

How to treat Fordyce Spots

Watch my video about treatment through microsurgery.

After the relief of the diagnosis, we set out for action with my unique treatment with Microsurgery. My goal is to restore the integrity and healthy appearance of your skin.

Dr. Luciana Villas Boas is a dermatologist in São Paulo and the main specialist in the country in Fordyce Granules treatment. She has been working for 23 years in her practice as a specialist for the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD). She has a postgraduate degree in Aesthetic Medicine, Nutrology and Epigenetics.




Formulário de contato - Dra. Luciana